Woodwinds Instruments

Find your favorite brands and lowest prices at PlayMusic123.com of Woodwind Instruments. We carry Bb Clarinets, Bass Clarinets, Open Hole Flutes and Closed Hole Flutes, Alto Flutes, Bass Flutes, Piccolos, Alto Saxophones, Tenor Saxophones, Soprano Saxophones, Baritone Saxophones, Bassoon, Oboes and Accessories. The best brands such as Jupiter, D'Luca, Hawk, Rossetti, Fever.  We offer 0% Interest Financing, Free Shipping and 45 Days Returns.

Woodwinds Instruments

Conn-Selmer Bass Clarinets

Selmer 1430LP Bass Bb Clarinet

Expertly engineered to not only sound fantastic but also to stand up to the worst a "real" band room situation can present, the American made...

Expertly engineered to not only sound fantastic but also to stand up to the worst...

SKU: 1430LP
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Selmer Paris 65 Privilege Bass Bb Clarinet Low Eb Black keys, Neck, and Bell

With the power needed to anchor the wind section and carry any hall coupled with the singing timbre required for soloistic performance, Selmer Paris bass...

With the power needed to anchor the wind section and carry any hall coupled with...

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Selmer Paris 67 Privilege Bass Bb Clarinet to Low C Black keys, Neck, and Bell

Selmer Paris has a long history of creating the highest quality professional clarinets. The Low Eb Privilege features silver plated nickel silver keywork, silver plated...

Selmer Paris has a long history of creating the highest quality professional clarinets. The Low...

SKU: 67B
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Selmer Paris 67 Privilege Bass Bb Clarinet to Low C Silver-plated Keys

Selmer Paris has a long history of creating the highest quality professional clarinets. The Low Eb Privilege features silver plated nickel silver keywork, silver plated...

Selmer Paris has a long history of creating the highest quality professional clarinets. The Low...

SKU: 67
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Selmer Paris 65 Privilege Bass Bb Clarinet Low Eb Silver-plated Keys

With the power needed to anchor the wind section and carry any hall coupled with the singing timbre required for soloistic performance, Selmer Paris bass...

With the power needed to anchor the wind section and carry any hall coupled with...

SKU: 65
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Leblanc L60 Bass Bb Clarinet

Redefining that an advanced bass clarinet is and should be, the Leblanc L60 bass clarinet offers a LOOK, TONE and FEEL that is unmatched by...

Redefining that an advanced bass clarinet is and should be, the Leblanc L60 bass clarinet...

SKU: L60
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$11,429.00 $7,829.00
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Selmer Paris 41 Contrabass BBb Clarinet

Sounding two octaves lower than a traditional bass clarinet, the contra-bass clarinet is a staple instrument for symphonic bands, wind ensembles and clarinet choirs. Selmer...

Sounding two octaves lower than a traditional bass clarinet, the contra-bass clarinet is a staple...

SKU: 41
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Conn-Selmer Bass Clarinets

Leblanc Vito L7182 Contrabass BBb Clarinet

The first choice among music educators! Sounding two octaves lower than a traditional bass clarinet, the contra-bass is a must have for symphonic bands, wind...

The first choice among music educators! Sounding two octaves lower than a traditional bass clarinet,...

SKU: L7182
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Conn-Selmer Bass Clarinets

Leblanc Vito L7168 Bass Bb Clarinet

The first choice among music educators! Whether bolstering the low voices in your young band or fleshing out the woodwind timbre of your wind ensemble,...

The first choice among music educators! Whether bolstering the low voices in your young band...

SKU: L7168
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