D'Addario Assorted Guitar Picks, 7-pack, Heavy

Guitar Picks

D'Addario Assorted Guitar Picks, 7-pack, Heavy

  • Brand:D'Addario
  • Category: D'Addario, Guitar Picks
Availability: In Stock

The D'Addario Guitar Pick Wall Display allows you to mount the D'Addario line of guitar picks in a sleek, professional, display unit that will attract customers to your product wall. Displays are an excellent way to present product in stores. D'Addario now has a full line of pick displays, with and without assortments, that best fits the needs in your store., 7 picks per package, Medium gauge (Various mm) ideal for strumming, Variety of shapes, Assorted materials to fit all musical needs, D'Addario branded pick packaging is designed for minimal waste and environmental impact